Google Chrome Mozbar

Jul 29, 2010

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Posted In : Uncategorized is one of the world’s authority websites when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization) and they have now become more focused on providing SEO tools and information. One of those tools is the Mozbar which is a toolbar in your browser which will show several SEO metrics and analytics. Mozbar has only been in Firefox and now it is available in Google Chrome. mozbar in google chrome

There is a lot of information and resources of links to look up data on a website. My favorite part about the Mozbar is the page analysis. Here is a quick snapshot of what you can see:

mozbar page analysis

mozbar in google chrome tools and resources

Due to the way Google Chrome renders page content the SEOMoz Mozbar has a new feature where you can move the mozbar to the bottom of the page, that way if you want other toolbars to still show up at the top you can have both toolbars open. I like this because you can have both the SEOQuake toolbar and Mozbar in view just like you can when they are in Firefox.

download google chrome mozbar

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