Google Friend Connect In Beta

Dec 8, 2008

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User Generated Content is a huge thing in the internet world. Years ago there were many internet companies who built platforms that would allow internet users the ability to create and publish their own content. This is where many of the social networking companies came alive.

Today there are several websites that have the ability to allow users to generate content and to post their opinions and ideas. User reviews and ratings became very popular as peopl inherently like to hear what others have to say about anything.

It is human nature to talk with and socailize with other humans. The internet has evolved over the last few years in making websites more friendly and useful.

On Friday December 5th 2008 Google released their new social feature called Friend Connect which allows website owners the ability to place a social network on their own website. The feature is supposed to help business owners create a way to have this popular social networking ability on their own website without having to pay thousands of dollars to build a platform like the other internet companies have had to do.

Now a website can create a place where visitors can join together and talk about your website and your products. Having this interactivity on your website will increase conversions and keep customers on your website more.

The great thing is that the users do not have to create another username and password to be involved in another social networking group. They can sign up using their Open ID account, Google account, Yahoo account, and AIM account. They can create a profile on your website and start to interact with other visitors on your website.

Now users can post reviews, comments, and rate things on your website with ease. Google Friend Connect is in Beta and open to the public. You can watch the video on Google’s Webmaster Blog.

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