Google Launches Chatback – Live Chat

Feb 27, 2009

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Want to talk with the visitors to your site? LiveChat has been one of the tools that has been out for awhile and has been expensive to website owners. On Wednesday Feb. 25th Google Talk launched a new feature called Chatback.

This feature is available to those who have a Google Talk account. The way it works is you can put a Chat Box onto your site and then visitors to your site can see if you are online, busy, or offline.

The great thing is that your visitors do not have to even have an email address or Google Talk account. Chatback is completely web based so the user does not need to download anything. Only the website owner has to have a Google Talk account. Making it available for your visitors to speak with you as they are on your site is very powerful in that you can help them navigate the site or answer their questions.

The only thing a visitor has to do is start to chat with you in the chat box. It is exactly like using an instant messenger so the user does not need to have any technical experience. This is another step towards Google improving their search results in analyzing the usability of a website and how users react to websites.

Chatback can be added to any website and is not just for blogs. When you are busy or away from your computer you can just set it to busy or offline the same way you can in Gmail. This is another feature that Google is producing to allow webmasters the ability to increase the effectiveness and usability of their websites.

To get a Google Talk account go to

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