Google Launches Google Buzz – Social Networking

Feb 10, 2010

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Google officially launched Google Buzz Tuesday February 9th, which is a social media network within the Gmail interface. With Google Buzz you can follow people and they can follow you on what you post, upload videos, comments, links and is an overall way to share more with more people within Gmail. I think that this is what Google Wave has been trying to do for a long time and something that I think adding to Gmail is a good idea. Gmail is an excellent platform and a lot of people use it and a lot of companies use it. You can even use the Gmail platform as a CRM if you wanted to because of the ease of organizing contacts. Here is a quick snapshot of what Google Buzz looks like in Gmail:
google buzz in gmail screenshot

One of the major things that Google has found difficult is organizing the social content that is on the web and organize it according to relevance. It makes complete sense with Google rolling out other social products like OpenSocial, real-time search and Social Search that they would want to have their own social network product making it easier to control the conversations that are happening. The web is continually becoming more social and more real time with current conversations and with that comes a lot of challenges in sifting and sorting through what is good and what is junk. Only time will tell if users will want to stray from their Facebook account and jump into Google’s social networking pond with both feet.

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