Google Launches Think Insights

May 13, 2011

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Google is a company that has to look at data in order to operate. The company is ran off of data and so it makes complete sense that the marketing team at Google closely looks at data to better understand how people use the web.

For example:

  • How do teenagers use the web?
  • How do young mothers and fathers use the web?
  • When do people start looking for holiday purchases?
  • What are people using to browse the web?
  • How is mobile influencing the internet and search?
  • And many more questions…

At Google data overrides opinion every time and so they have decided to launch a new website called “Think Insights” at There is a lot of insightful information that Google is launching with Think Insights and one of the topics that is getting a lot of notice is Smart Phones.

Here is a video that showcases what Google has found when it comes to how users use their smart phone in how we shop, find local businesses, use a search engine, connect with friends through social networks and more.

Think Insights from Google has whitepapers for download, case studies, videos and more to showcase the data in which they have found as a result of needing answers to a wide array of questions.

If you are in the marketing industry this is a very helpful website. Lets say you are marketing and selling a product or service to Moms. Now you can simply go to Think Insights from Google and see what makes Moms click, what are they searching for the most, how do they use search engines and more. This information can be invaluable to companies who have a target market of Moms who use their products and services.

Good Job Google!

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