Google New Is Google's New Product

Sep 22, 2010

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Google is launching new programs and products it seems every day and now they are launching another one called Google New. Google New is designed to be a hub in order to find everything that is new from Google. Google has a large blog network as almost every team in Google has their own blog from the official Google blog to Analytics to Gmail to Chrome and a lot more.

So how do you stay up to date on all that is going on in Google World, it is easy with Google New. Google New will pull content from all of the blogs within the Google Blog Network and show you all of the latest products and programs from the various teams.

Here is a quick video about it:

As you will notice when you visit Google New you can search through the products or areas of interest. You will see boxes underneath showing you the latest blog posts through the blog network that have new news about products, programs or upgrades.

google new home page screenshot

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