Google Places Is Now Live

Apr 20, 2010

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google places logo

Google is becoming more LOCAL and they have made some serious strides in making their Local Business Center better. Last September Google launched their Place Pages allowing businesses to claim their place page and make changes. Today Google is now launching Google Places to take over Google Local Business Center to tie it with the Place Pages.
google places home page screenshot

There are several new features that Google is rolling out with Google Places:

Service Areas

If your business serves an area you can now show geographically which areas you serve.


This is a new advertising method in which businesses can pay $25/month and make their listings stand out more on and Google Maps. Right now this feature is only being offered in select cities including Washington D.C., Austin and Atlanta.

QR Codes

Businesses can now download and print their unique QR code which they can then use in their marketing materials. The QR code can be scanned by any smartphone that has the application to read the code. This will take the user directly to that businesses place page.

Business Photo Shoots

Google has been working and testing for about a month now on offering Free Business Photo Shoots where business owners can request to have the inside of their business in a photo shoot. Google will then use these pictures on top of the photos that business owners can already upload themselves. Business owners have to apply for a Free photo shoot. Apply Here.

Favorite Places

Google has sent out thousands of window decals to businesses that are Favorite Places on Google Maps. These window decals have the businesses custom QR code on them so users can use their cell phones to pull up the businesses Place Page and read more about the company.
favorite place on google window decal

Google has now setup a new help center and an overview webinar in which people can sign up for to learn more about Google Places and Place Pages. Google Places also now has its own Youtube Channel as well where business owners can learn more about Google Places and how it has helped other businesses as well, Google Places Youtube Channel. Smart business owners will want to make sure their business is optimized to its highest potential on Google Places. Hiring a professional seo company who perform local seo services is highly advised.

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