Google vs. Yahoo vs. MSN

Aug 15, 2008

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Dear Innovation Simple clients and anyone else out there that have someone who uses SEO, we want to keep you up-to-date on search engine market share.

These are results for April 2008 from Hitwise.

In case you cannot see it (it is small) here are the results:

  • Google: 67.9%
  • Yahoo: 20.28%
  • Microsoft: 6.26%
  • Ask: 4.17%

google vs yahoo vs msn

google vs yahoo vs msn

Here are market share stats from the last 12 months.

Last 12 months

Last 12 months

As you can see, Google hovers around the 65% to 70% mark, making it the premier search engine to market your website. Let us know if you have any questions.

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