Groundhog Day: Clouds or Sun?

Feb 13, 2014

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Scott Christofferson
Groundhog Day

What’s the Fuss All About

Groundhog Day of 2014 has come and gone. Did you see your shadow? Did you even think about this holiday? February 2nd of each year marks this holiday. You’ve likely heard of the movie Groundhog Day, but have you ever really understood the origin and purpose for this annual ritual?

Folklore tells us that if it’s cloudy when the groundhog comes out its burrow that spring will arrive early; but if it’s sunny, then the groundhog will see its’ shadow and hurry back to its’ burrow and winter will last another six weeks. It’s a pretty fun tale. An interesting tradition. And something I haven’t thought about since elementary school. But it’s all part of what makes this world a place of fun and culture.

I often wonder how traditions like Groundhog Day come about. I can understand how it may become a tradition for one family, but how does an entire community or country catch the vision and make it part of the culture? I think what it comes down to is good, solid marketing. Having a clear message, a unique selling proposition, and disseminating that information through the right channels. THAT is what marketing is all about.

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