Guiding Constant: Marketing Model

Feb 28, 2013

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A Guiding Constant

We feel that a model that guides your approach to marketing is extremely important. It serves as a Bible (so to speak) for the approach the company takes, the ideas that you espouse, and affects the culture for all staff members.

What do you espouse? Do you have a model that you work from? Does the agency or marketing company that you use have a model that they work from?

What is YOUR Guide?

If you don’t have a guiding constant that you can hang your hat on in terms of marketing and sales, you are throwing money away OR you are not leveraging the resources your could be to grow and turn greater profits. Simple as that.

If you don’t do anything with marketing, then you could benefit by simply learning about the marketing models out there. Here are a couple of marketing models you should know about:

Model #1

The Marketing Equation

If your marketing company does not understand this, RUN RUN RUN as fast as possible. This model is the foundation for ANY successful marketing collateral.

  1. INTERRUPT – Get the audiences attention in a way that is breaks their thinking and causes them to give the message consideration.
  2. ENGAGE – Create a message and psychology that engages the viewer in a way that they know that the message has relevance for THEM personally.
  3. EDUCATE – Educate the viewer on how to make the best decision as it relates to this market. Help them vet or understand the different approached and options and in the process, prove to them that you are a thought leader in this space.
  4. OFFER – Have a rock solid, clear offer that connects with the target audience and causes them to request more information from you and harvests contact information.

Model #2

Marketing Mix: The NEW Model

As the internet has changed the marketing landscape and as marketing has become much more focused on the consumer, the 4Ps model for marketing has also evolved to the 4Cs.

Consumer: Wants and Needs

You have to study consumer wants and needs enough to understand what type of product will fill the needs in the market. In most cases, you have to find out what people want and then build it. True innovators have been able to find out what consumers would want if it was available to them.

Costs: Good Value

Buyers want good value not necessarily cheap. They want a quality product but want to feel like they are getting a good value on it. Buyers can be segmented so that products appeal to them on different price points. If you rely on price to compete you are vulnerable and likely won’t last long term.

Convenience: Where to Buy

You have to know how each segment of your target market prefers to buy. With the growth of the Internet, sales channels are spreading like wild fire and older channels are diminishing such as catalogues and seminars. However, each method of distributing a product or service has need of evaluation.

Communication: Messaging

Be creative about how you talk and promote your message to your target audience. All advertising messages need to connect with the potential buyer on a level that they understand that the product will get them the benefit that they are looking for.

What to ASK Agencies

If you are in search of a marketing company, ask them some of the following questions to see how they respond to marketing ‘model’ related questions.

  1. ___ What constants do you follow in terms of how you approach marketing?
  2. ___ Do you know and follow the marketing equation?
  3. ___ From whom and how did you learn marketing?
  4. ___ How is your approach different or more effective than the other marketing firms around?

Our Unique Model

The Marketing Wheel

Marketing Managed is a suite of solutions designed to simplify the life of a small business owner. It is an approach to growing your business holistically. We assist businesses with marketing strategy, corporate identity, media creation, lead generation, and software systems all aimed at building their brand cohesively. We approach each company as if “we were their marketing director.”

Implementing this 5-step formula efficiently leverages human capital, leaving businesses with more time, more money and documented results.


Welcome to… marketing managed

Marketing managed™ – vastly superior in concept and execution, yet simple in practice is the latest innovation in marketing for small business.

This innovative approach, focused on metrics, reporting, and communication, is the most complete yet cohesive formula for achieving ROI.

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