Helping the Underdog

Apr 2, 2014

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Starting a business is hard. The transition from working for a steady paycheck to earning what you kill is hard. It requires many hard days of work and often times months without monetary compensation. Still people choose to brave the storm and be self-employed. Here at Innovation Simple we know what it takes to make it. We look to our founder as an example of the hard work and dedication required to start something from nothing. There must be equal exchange. For every ounce of progress you must pay ounces of sweat and hours of sleep. Having seen that, we are eager to help you succeed. There is value in working for yourself. There is a pride and independent aspect to it that is undeniable.

To succeed in today’s economy you need more than a good idea. In the past you needed a good idea and good management. There are more start-ups in these last few years than in the decades prior. With the invention of the Internet it is cheaper to gain a following and develop a “love” group (people who love your services and products). It is much cheaper to find those who follow you and promote your business and they can be found quickly. However, it is easy to get lost in the rubble of the Internet. Everyone is trying to get the attention of the Internet community. You cannot succeed with a good idea and good management. You need to gain a following online. How can you do this? The answer is simple: SEO and Internet marketing.

Innovation Simple is a company with multiple emphases. Like the three-headed dog Cerberus we have three main facets of voice. We specialize in SEO based web-design, social media and blog marketing, and SEO partnerships helping our clients develop strong organic search ratings. What can this do for you? We can get you to the top of Google’s search engine for your local area and field of work. We can help you gain a following on social media and then capitalize on that following with a compelling and engaging website.

Don’t try to start a business without help. We have the talent and the connections you will need to succeed. Give SEO a try. We’ll be here with you every step of the way.

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