How Social Media Has Changed Business Marketing

Sep 8, 2014

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Positive Effects of Online Interactions

social media, small business, marketing techniques, Innovation Simple, Positive effects of social media

Social media is becoming increasingly important for small and large businesses. No tool is more relevant and brand forming in the marketing world. As a whole, social media has proven to be a positive component both for consumers and businesses.

Social Media Levels the Playing Field
Whether you are a small or large company, or even an individual, you can create or build up your brand through social media. Social media is a relatively inexpensive way to advertise without investing in a traditional ad campaign that your company may now not be able to afford. Even Individuals, like Ana King, have proven the power of social media by gaining a large following through social media and blogs alone.

Opens Up the Conversation Between the Company and Consumer
Have you ever had an issue with a company, and been lost where to turn to for feedback? Social media effectively solves consumers questions and concerns in a timely manner. Within 24 hours, consumers can have their questions answered via social media. Although questions and comments can sometimes be time-consuming for businesses to respond to, it provides a level of transparency that is essential to succeed in today’s business world. Additionally, consumers can provide valuable insights that a company may be overlooking. Sometimes solutions come more readily through social media than formal, research projects.

Engages rather than Hard Sells
Consumers are no longer responding as well to a hard sell marketing approach. In order for a brand to succeed they must learn to engage their consumers through relevant information, and provide a virtual personality that can be viewed from all angles. Instead of being inundated with ad material, consumers are now picking and choosing the ads and companies they want to see and follow.

Are you overwhelmed with how to go about managing your company’s social media? Let Innovation Simple help. We can set up and provide the content for your social media sites that will help better your SEO ranking, and give you more validity in the minds of your customers.

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