How To Get A Job With Our Company

Aug 29, 2014

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And Why You Should Want To Work For Us

The marketing industry is growing more than it ever has before. Partially because companies are shifting from tangible marketing to completely web based marketing. This is great for the trees and environment, but bad for those store and business owners who don’t know how the digital world works. And that’s where Innovation Simple comes in to save the day. We have dedicated ourselves to helping businesses, no matter the size, to transition into better website design, tracking advertisement, and social media strategies.

With this new marketing comes great employment opportunities. Here at Innovation Simple we are always trying to be better. Sometimes that means we need to branch out and hire new innovative minds. Here are some of the benefits of working for Innovation Simple.


We service a plethora of smaller local companies that are home grown right here in the state of Utah. But we also have larger companies that branch all the way from Idaho, Arizona, and California. This means you will have the opportunity to work with a variety of different clientele to boost your resume and skill set. Working with smaller companies is actually more beneficial than you would think because you can get some impressive statistics as to how you have helped their company grow. More importantly, you get to be a part of the growing process that a startup company goes through.

Laid Back Environment

Our company is young and so is our leadership. If you couldn’t guess from our company name, we are all about innovation. We know that to do that we have to allow our employees to be themselves to cultivate innovative ideas and work. Once we get you on board and trained for the job, you’re on your own to work your magic and we will be there to guide and support when needed. But we aren’t into micromanaging. Space is a good thing.

If we have convinced you with our amazing clients and leadership, great! Here is what you need to do to apply.

1. Decide what service you want to provide. Are you good at website design, logo design, social media management, or print media design? Once you’ve decided that move on to step number two.

2. Fill out our interview form. Click here to be rerouted to the form.

3. Contact us and let us know what position or field you might be interested in!

4. Wait to hear from us. We are excited to bring on new innovative team members, and we will be sure to contact you either way!

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