How To Get More Twitter Followers

Oct 18, 2013

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When I first started using Twitter, I never thought how important it was to tweet daily and I never did figure out how to get followers. I always thought it was all about following other Twitter users and tweeting about various topics, hoping that someone would start following me. It never has turned out that way since I’ve used Twitter for the past 5 years.

I figured I could point out some useful tips and tricks on getting more Twitter followers after implementing these strategies in my own personal Twitter account and other client’s account I am currently working on.

• Promote your Twitter page outside your Twitter account with your URL link

• Engage with Twitter users with lots of followers

• Participate what’s in the trending topics

• Produce good relevant content to your niche

• Follow Friday a follower of yours and highlight their success and why others should follow them

• Tweet during peak hours of 9 am, 12pm, 3 pm, 6pm

• Create an effective profile bio with a clever description mixed with other links

• Link to interesting sites such as StumbleUpon or The Onion

• Ask questions to get people talking and creating a conversation with you

• Repeat yourself of the best and most informative tweets several times a day

• Post pictures because everyone likes to look at pictures

Most of these improvements that I tried were done simply by Googling “how to gain more followers on Twitter”. See what you can research and find about this problem that you may be facing for your Twitter account.

What ways have you attempted in gaining more followers on your Twitter account? Share with us your flaws and successes.

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