How to Keep Readers Reading Your Blog After the First Sentence

Aug 26, 2014

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Hook Em’!

Getting people to your blog can be a hard task. With so many blogs on the internet ranging in topic from normal and provincial to absurd and abstract, how do you get people to read your posts? There are many things you can do such do embellish your posts such as inserted pictures or embedding videos. But you don’t just want people looking at your blog and watching, you want them reading your blog! You’ve heard it a million times since your started writing that you have to captivate the reader which is easier said than done. Today I am going to give some ideas on how you can get people to keep reading after the first sentence:


On a blog post content is everything. Make your sure your first sentence contains a good “hook.” You can have a cute name and a cute colorful theme for your blog but if the content isn’t relevant or on point, no one is going to read what you’re writing. Many of the best blogs have a topic which acts as the theme. Figure out what your theme is and make sure you write relevant information. If you are using your blog as a type of journal, don’t worry about a theme but make sure you writing is logical and clear!


Your blog should be as easy to read and follow as possible. If you give your audience a giant block of solid text, few people are going to stick around and read. Insert headings and subheadings that help break up solid text. Headings and subheadings also help to create a flow within your writing, they make different topics within a blog distinct and clear! White space is also critical! Space your lines of text out and make sure that your blog is not cluttered with badges and ads among other things. Adding white space to your posts helps your reader focus better on what they are reading.

Insert Media-

Pictures and videos should add to what you are writing. You don’t want the media to distract from your writing, but rather it should compliment and enhance. Relevant pictures and videos will help to pique the curiosity of readers as to what you are writing about. If you are referencing other sources on the internet add a link that quickly takes a reader to that source. When inserting a link, make the link opens in a new tab like this link. Making your blog interactive keeps readers entertained.

Writing a good blog is a skill that must be fine tuned. It will take time but if you follow these tips you will be on your way to writing posts that keep people reading. As you continue on you may find different things that work better than other things, find what works and keep doing it. After all, what good is a blog if you can’t even get people to read it?

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