How to Keep Your Voice Constant over Mulitple Digital Platforms

Mar 11, 2016

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Keeping your voice consistent over all of the digital marketing techniques can be important. Understandably, this can be hard at time to do with all of the different digital mediums through which your company can market. Here are a few tips for you to implement so you can help create continuity throughout all of your digital marketing campaigns.

Identify your target audience
Identifying your target audience is key to keeping your voice consistent over all digital platforms

Finding a Target Audience

By identifying your target audience, you will be able to analyze the ways they respond to different messages. Whether your company is big on SEO, PPC or Social Media, you can use the information your gain from “knowing” your audience to determine how they will respond to different digital marketing techniques. Different strategies work better for different demographics.

Determine what message you have for that audience

After determining how your audience will respond to different digital marketing techniques, it is important to understand how your audience will respond to different messages. By deciding what message will resound best with the target audience you’ve identified, you will be able to know how to design a message that will make them more likely to interact with your brand in a positive way.

Structure your message in a way that it can be applicable on multiple platforms

Finally, after you have identified your audience, the digital marketing method to best reach them, and the message that they will best respond to, it is time to structure that message over a wide variety of platforms while still maintaining the original style behind the message you’re trying to convey. If you can do this, then you will begin to create continuity in your voice as a company and help cement your message in the minds of your target audiences.

If you do all of these things, you will be sure to build up the voice of your brand and create a message that is unique to your business.

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