How to Show Your Boss the Value of Facebook in 7 Easy Steps

May 6, 2013

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Scott Christofferson

Yeah, Your Company Probably Needs a Facebook Page

Getting your boss or company to buy into having a Facebook account may be tiring and frustrating. In today’s social media world, it seems that every start up company and business in leading industries are involved with customers and potential customers through the social media world.

Not only does Facebook have a personal platform for individuals but a company or music artist can make their

own page to advertise and promote themselves. More and more companies are using Facebook as a social media tool to connect and interact with customers, to get feedback, reviews, promote events or contests, retain customer attention and to keep their product in the forefront of the customer’s mind. But hey – it’s free and easy to use.

Daniel Zeevi, from, mentions seven steps to go over before, during and after the pitch to building a presence on Facebook:

1) Discuss your company’s goal

2) Gather information that supports your pitch

3) Present the opportunities

4) Discuss the risks

5) Show them numbers

6) Propose a testing period

7) Present the results

In consulting with your company, sit down and discuss what you want to get out of Facebook involvement at the beginning of your discussion. Make sure to set company goals because this sets expectations (and managing expectations is half the battle).

Setting a testing period of a minimum of 60 days is a great way to gauge how well the Facebook presence is received. If there aren’t results during the trial period, try another strategy before dropping it completely. But on the other hand, if the results are positive and there is customer feedback and engagement on the page, keep it up and build on the momentum. Just like a snowball rolling down a hill and growing larger with each roll, the same goes for a company’s Facebook page “likes” and followers.

For companies that are reluctant to have a Facebook page, hiring a marketing company to handle the Facebook page gives them one less thing to worry about. Let the marketing company take care of it and let your company see the impact that Facebook can have for the business. After the results have been shown and interpreted, expanding to different social media channels is an option of expanding your online presence and SEO marketing. But you can cross that bridge when you get there.

How have you convinced your company to participate in social media?

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