In Case You Thought Social Media Doesn't Matter

Oct 1, 2013

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If up until this point you’ve thought that social media doesn’t matter, you may want to rethink your strategy. According to this Wall Street Journal article, social media could be the deciding factor for big investment companies deciding whether or not to invest in your company.

According to Christophe Vandaele (who was quoted in this article), a managing director at investment firm Vandaele Capital LLC, “Investors are drawn to the brands that do a good job with social media, and they’ll reach out to them.” That means that what you’re putting up on your social media, how you interact with your customers, and vice versa, really does matter in the eyes of investors.

As younger generations are becoming both the starters of new businesses and the target audiences, social media is becoming increasingly essential to business success, on both the small and large business scale. According to Sergio Monsalve (also quoted in the WSJ article), a partner at $3.7 billion venture-capital fund Norwest Venture Partners, “It’s very important that startups are using social media and are active in it. That will allow us investors to quickly figure out who they are and how they talk to customers.” This sound advice, as well as other advice in the article, proves that social media is not just for personal use, but is actually very important for business strategy.

So stop taking social media lightly and let us help you make social media a priority in your business!

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