Mar 12, 2014

Now that we are sitting comfortably in March I feel like I can safely make a list of indie rock albums released in 2013. It’s always a risky thing saying the best. I hope there wasn’t something I missed that I will soon fall in love with. I often find that I miss an album here or there because I’m so occupied with what I have. In fact that happens with every product, brand, or idea. In order to make a splash in the market you either need an existing reputation or something so revolutionary it gets paraded around by brand champions (users who love your product/services). Here are some albums and user scores for (check them out if you’ve got a minute). I won’t say these are the best albums. These are simply the albums that made the biggest ripples in the music industry.
1. Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampires of the City (user score 84)
I’ll admit that this wasn’t my favorite album. It was just okay in my opinion. Compared to Contra this was a slight disappointment. But still it was a great listen. It has some gems on it.
2. The National – Trouble Will Find Me (user score 83)
I love this album. The album cover is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. The National get me. You must listen to this album. I would rate this #1.
3. Local Natives – Hummingbird (user score 79)
I am astounded that this album only received a 79. It deserves to be well into the 80’s. Give Hummingbird a spin and tell me you don’t love it.
4. Yo La Tengo – Fade (user score 77)
Have you ever listened to Yo La Tengo? You need to. This is a wonderful listen.
5. Arcade Fire – Reflektor (user score 84)
Talk about hype. This album strung the music world along with it. PT Barnum would be proud of the hype Arcade Fire made for this album. Best part of this all is it didn’t disappoint. I do not enjoy listening to the album all the way through. That’s a big strike for me. There are a couple songs on this album that I really enjoy. (Here Comes the Night Time).
Check out these albums. If you haven’t heard them all the way through yet take a minute and listen to them all start to finish. Here are some honorable mentions:
Rhye – Woman
Deerhunter – Monomania
Phosphorescent – Muchacho
Arctic Monkeys – AM
Foxygen – We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic
Danny Brown – Old (strong explicit warning)
CHVRCHES – The Bones of What You Believe