Introducing… Comodo HackerProof

Oct 22, 2010

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An an authorized Comodo Partner, we want to introduce you to Comodo HackerProof. Comodo HackerProof is a website vulnerability scanning and certification service that helps online retailers and other e-commerce businesses secure their web servers.

Hacker Proof Logo

Every 24 hours, the HackerProof servers run a huge battery of vulnerability tests on a customer’s domain to identify any potential security vulnerabilities or holes that a hacker might exploit. The HackerProof service establish whether the site is vulnerable to denial of service attacks, has open ports, is running insecure services, is running fully patched software, or is subject to other vulnerabilities. The tests are non-destructive emulations of real-life attacks and pose no actual threat to the targeted web-server. At the end of each scan, the service generates a highly detailed report that lists any discovered problems and, when available, the appropriate solution to that problem.

Innovation Simple customers can use the HackerProof service to ensure their security is taken seriously and subsequently use Innovation Simple to patch any potential security holes.

In addition, HackerProod also helps increase online sales. HackerProof is one of the most recognizable trust marks online. You may have questions about how HackerProof acts as a trust mark such as these:

Q: Why does your site need a trust-mark like HackerProof?

A: Shoppers not only recognize and value third-party trust marks, but the presence of a trust mark can also persuade them to complete the purchase. 78% of online shoppers say that a seal indicates their information is secure. 80% of shoppers knew the purpose and value of a trust-mark 88% of online shoppers say it is important for an e-commerce site to include a trust-mark on its web site. 79% of online shoppers expect to see a trust-mark displayed on a Web site’s home page. 71% of online consumers shop only at sites they know and trust. Nearly 70% of online shoppers have terminated an online order because they did not trust the transaction. 53% of those indicated that the presence of a trust-mark would have likely prevented the termination.

As an authorized and trusted partner of Comodo, Innovation Simple can offer HackerProof at a nice savings of $795/year! Comodo Price – $2,295 vs. Innovation Simple Price – $1,500 per year.

For more information on PCI compliance or Comodo HackerProof, please call Innovation Simple or visit

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