It’s Movember

Nov 14, 2013

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You may have noticed already but it IS Movember. Heard of this tradition/movement? Or have you at least seen an increase in the number of mustaches around?

The organization is “havin’ fun doin’ good”. It’s main goal is to get men to grow mustaches during the month of November with the goal to raise funds for men’s health programs.

Movember intends to create conversations that create greater awareness of the health risks that men face, encourage men to understand their health and take the proper action when their health is at risk.

The Movember movement wants “to have an everlasting impact on men’s health”. And the organization values: fun, accountability, care, collaboration, humility, innovation, remarkable experiences and change.

The program goals include:

1. Living with AND beyond cancer

2. Maintaining good mental health for all men

3. Funding research that will improve the tests and treatments for men’s health

Pretty groovy organization, right? I think so. Good people, with a common goal and an action plan to achieve a desired result.

Sounds like good marketing to me. Have you written down your vision, values and goals? If you do, you will see a difference in the results of your executed marketing plan.

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