Keep Google on Your Website

Nov 3, 2009

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One of the common factors that big companies have over smaller companies is that they are always changing and when it comes to the internet and search engines change is a good thing. I know over the last couple of years we have heard that phrase over and over, but when it comes to seo change is good. Search engines have a computer program that is designed to crawl information on the web and then index it properly within their large database of information. This computer program is often called a spider and when it comes to spiders they love to eat and the food that search engine spiders love is fresh valuable unique content.
googlebot spider
They eat this stuff up like kids on Halloween candy, and therefore it is important to give them what they want. One of the most important things to remember is as a website owner you can teach the Google Spider how often you want him to come back simply by how often you place food out for him. If you have a drop in traffic or your rankings one of the things to do first is to add content to your site so Google can crawl it. Big companies constantly have new content on their websites and therefore where there is new food there is also the spider that all webmasters love, the Google Spider. The more he is on your site crawling your content the better for you because one of the parameters that Google looks at is Fresh Valuable Content, according to Google’s patent application. When you start to think of the huge companies and sites on the internet there is one thing the majority of them have and that is content that is continually being added on a daily basis or even by a second basis. Many of these companies are user generated allowing internet users the ability to add their own content whenever they want. Twitter is a great example of this in how a company can build a platform that allows for content to be added by users in a very quick fashion and in a matter of 3 years or so Twitter is now the talk of internet land. Right now Twitter is on both of the minds of Microsoft and Google as they are both trying to figure out how to harness the power of real time search. If you want your company to have a good image in Google’s eyes, constantly add value to the web by providing new content all of the time. If you struggle with this, one of the strategies that other companies do is provide users the opportunity to post articles on the company’s blog or within their forum. Either way allowing user generated content is a sound strategy to keep Google on your website.

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