Keeping Customers, Saving Leads

Mar 20, 2014

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Dearest Blog Readers,

You are losing money. I was working with a small company just last week and realized that a lot of businesses are tripping right off the starting gate. They focus on a linear selling model that works pretty decently. The problem I have found is most companies pour all of their energy into finding new leads. Once they have found new leads they make contact a couple times, make a few sales, and throw out the rest. We need to stop throwing out the rest. It takes roughly 7 contacts with a “hot” lead to see sales. That’s quite a few. It takes even more to reach the average consumer/client. Make sure you contact everyone at least 7 times. Those that buy are moved into a new marketing category and those that do not are moved into a long-term nurture group. Don’t just throw away your leads.
The real problem I have seen is most companies leave their clients alone after they sign up or buy their product. We are forgetting to upsell. Once a patron has shown they are willing to invest their money in us we need to wow them. If we deliver excellent service and a good follow-up they may invest even more. After an upsell we need to ask for referrals. It’s much easier to find “hot” leads through satisfied customers.

In short you should:

A. Contact all of your leads 7 times
B. Then split your leads into different email/contact groups
1. A long term nurture campaign
2. A post sales campaign etc.
C. Upsell and ask for referrals from existing customers. Stay in touch!

If you need help with your marketing process give us a call.

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