The Keywords Buying Cycle

Sep 25, 2008

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Keywords are what we call the words that people use to type into the search engines to find things. For internet marketers targeting which keywords to go after is vital to their success. There are several methods to finding which keywords to use that most appropriately explain your business and that people will type to find you. There is a buying cycle with keywords and here are the different sections.

1. Browse Keywords

2. Compare Keywords

3. Buy Keywords

Browse keywords are words that people use to gather information in a broad manner. Many big companies will be listed under browse keywords as they constantly increase their branding. Browse keywords are generally only 1 word.

Browse Keywords:

shoes, bikes, hoses, camcorder, mountains, computers, jeans, etc.

Compare keywords are a little more specific and start going into more words. Searchers who are comparing products are generally still looking for the certain types of products within the main category. Compare keywords will be longer than 1 word. All of these type of keywords are used when people are trying to find the best product for them. This is like going from store to store comparing products in brick and mortar stores.

Compare Keywords:

basketball shoes, lowcut basketball shoes, nike basketball shoes, reebok basketball shoes, samsung digital camcorders, hd camcorders under $500, laptop computers with webcam, laptop computer reviews, dell laptop computer reviews

Buy keywords are very specific and generally have many words to be more descriptive. When someone knows what they want they generally will type it exactly with model numbers or brand name. Many of these keywords will have words that will help them make the purchase like: purchase, best price, low cost, buy, etc. As you can see the keywords are made up of longer phrases. These are called long tail keywords and are easier to rank well for as their is less competition.

Buy Keywords:

buy sony hd camcorder, purchase dell inspiron E1505, panasonic camcorder sale, low cost nike shoes, reebok basketball shoe coupon

As you are building your keyword list remember that you want to be listed under the specific terms that describe your business and exactly what you sell. The more places you are listed the better the conversions.

Remember it is better to be listed in many long tail keywords that are specific to your company than to have only one listing that ranks well for a browse keyword.

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