Launching: SSD Hosting

Apr 11, 2013

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Cutting Edge Hosting

Innovation Simple’s growing initiative to become the most admired marketing company for small businesses is greatly influenced by its effort to be the leading marketing company embracing technology.

As of April 15, 2013, Innovation Simple is offering Solid State Drive (SSD) web hosting. SSD is the fastest form of hard drive in the world and that means faster hosting and a better user experience for your website visitors. Many Innovation Simple services (including Robust Reports) will also be hosted using this cutting edge web hosting technology.

We Think Differently

On this topic of ‘staying up on technology’ as a leader in the marketing space, Owner of PC Innovation Cameron Wright said,

“What really makes Innovation Simple different from the outsider’s perspective is your focus on software and technology. You guys have the other pieces to the marketing puzzle but you really excel at the software and technology piece that most marketing companies are scared to offer.”

As this initiative to excel at technology based marketing increases, Innovation Simple ‘pushes the envelope’ continually through Innovation and product development.

The SSD Difference

To the right, you can see the genetic differences between an SSD drive and a HDD drive. Solid State Drive (SSD) is just one more step to a faster web, which is Google’s initiative to providing web users a better and faster experience.

SSD is the fastest form of hard drive in the world and has no moving parts which enables these drives to produce more power with less energy.


*Image courtesy of Computer World


SSDs are still over 5 times more expensive per unit of storage than HDDs and this translates into more expensive hosting. The only other drawback is that it is still yet to be seen how long these drives will actually last. Traditional HDD drives are very long lasting and are very reliable (if you buy the reliable ones) and easy to replace because they are relatively cheap. The prices for SSD will continue to decrease as the years go by and soon, they will be ubiquitous.

Our Infrastructure

Without going into geeky details about our hardware and data center features, lets just say that Innovation Simple takes hosting very seriously and no corners were cut in this decision to go SSD. In a marketing space so integrated with technology, only the most solid infrastructure will work for us and our clients.

Our SSD product is in a RAID 10 configuration with 4 physical drives. This configuration is the MOST redundant and safe configuration ever built for the mainstream hosting world.

Why Switch to SSD

  1. Better Technology – SSDs are typically less susceptible to physical shock, much quieter and contribute to a quieter data center with less noise and power consumption. SSDs use significantly less power at peak load than hard drives, less than 2W vs. 6W for an HDD. This technology is all around more efficient and will be the way of the future in terms of data access around the globe.
  2. User Experience – These drives do not spin and therefore are not bound by traditional I/O constraints. This means that data is faster than ever, which means your users can experience the fastest navigation through website. Less latency and I/O bottlenecks allow web servers to perform at a higher level even under intense load where traditional HDDs would spike and bottleneck. This gives website owners greater confidence, less risk and a snappy website experience.
  3. Search Engine Rankings – Search engines like Google, actually take into consideration the speed of your website. By staying up on the latest speed trends with the web, you please users and search engines alike. Google’s goal is to optimize the web experience for the world. Learn more about Google’s initiative in their developer recommendations or on Google’s blog.

SSD Hosting Plans

For now, Innovation Simple will be offering SSD hosting to only a select group of users and clients. In the near future, SSD hosting plans will be launched. Our growing initiative to become the most admired marketing company for small businesses is in effect as we continue embracing cutting edge marketing technology.

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