Layout The Benefits

Jul 30, 2008

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When you are writing content for your website and explaining your product, readers are always looking on how it will help them. If you go on and on about all of the features that your product has like its ingredients, unique chemical properties, or state of the art material, people are still going to make a decision on “how will this make my life easier”.

If you have the best toothbrush made out of a tough material and the bristles are made from some new technology and I could go on and on, at some point the customer is going to want to know why this toothbrush is better than what they have and why they should spend money on this new toothbrush to replace the one they already have.

That is where you have to clearly layout all of the benefits. This toothbrush lasts 10 times longer than most toothbrushes, its bristles revolving at 100 rotations/sec. will take off all plaque in between the teeth yet gentle to the gums. Its timer will help you know what the recommended time appointed by dentists is so you don’t have to guess. Its different heads will allow you to polish your teeth, whitening them with every use. Save money by not having to pay for a ton on toothpaste and on cavities.

Do you see the benefits:

1. Takes plaque off in between teeth

2. Gentle on gums

3. Don’t have to guess on time brushing

4. It lasts 10 times longer than other toothbrushes

5. Polishes your teeth

6. Whitens your teeth so you will have a better smile

7. Be more confident when going to the dentists

8. Save money by not having to fix cavities

Always outline the benefits that the customer will have in their life if they purchase your product. Paint the picture of what their life will be like if they have your product.

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