Link Targets

Sep 4, 2008

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As you build and promote your website the most important factor is that there has to be some value. A website is the place where people can find information or entertainment. No matter which one it is there has to be that value as to why someone would think this is a good website to go to, stay on, and possibly link to.

To get people to link to your website naturally is the ultimate goal. People link to other websites because they feel that website is fulfilling a certain purpose. In order to get someone to naturally link to you it is best to provide them some type of link target.

Link targets are things you know people will want to link to. Here are some different examples:

Mortgage calculator – this is a tool that provides a real service and a link target.

Software – any type of software that they can download is a link target.

Tips and tricks – Tips for any industry are great things people like to link to.

Free tools – People love to use different marketing and other tools. These are great link targets.

Strategies – strategies ensure secret type of information and people love to feel they are getting inside        information.

Quality information – Above all your site has to have good information and not the same old stuff that is on your competitor’s websites.

These are some different examples of what people like to link to because they provide some type of information or value that is worth repeating visits. As you build your website think of certain link targets that internet users would like to link to on your site.

If you feel their is nothing to link to or does not give off that compelling “you need to link to me because I give great value” feel then it will be best to put some link targets into your website.

Think of the different sites online that people link to. YouTube, MySpace, Amazon, Craigslist, Ebay, SeoBook, Facebook, Vegas Web Design and Overstock are all great examples of providing great value that people will want to continue to return to the site.

Overall your site must provide value. So look at your website and think what are my link targets. You may not have any or you may want to add more.

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