Links Influence Search Engine Rankings

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Link building is one of the most basic principles in SEO (search engine optimization). While all of the meta tags on a site are extremely important inbound links are extremely important as well. The best way to describe this is that meta data is what you think the page is about and inbound links is what other people think the page is about.

As you are filling out your titles, description, and keyword tags you are telling the search engines what you think about the page and what words best describe it. However when you have inbound links to a page with anchor text then that is what other people think the page is about.

It is this principle that Google, originally called Backrub, uses intensely in their algorithm. This is the basis of what PageRank was created after. Determining what one hypertext document says about another hypertext document.

The theory was that in order to determine how important a hypertext document was they would determine the importance by links that pointed into the document and how reputable those other documents were who were doing the linking.

Hence the name Backrub, because the algorithm was highly conditioned to determining the importance of a hypertext document by analyzing the backlinks (the links that point back to a document).

It is due to this philosophy that inbound links are highly important to search engines and their algorithms and how they rank pages in the search engine results pages. Inbound links have a huge impact on how a webpage ranks.

In todays world of SEO link building is one of the most talked about topics and how to do it the most effectively. There are a variety of ways to build links to a page and that must happen in order to look natural. If there are a whole bunch of links pointing to a page from one source then that does not look natural.

In order to get high rankings a webpage must have a variety of inbound links and have high reputation. The more reputation a site has that is linking to you the more link reputation they send with that link. Link reputation is what builds trust and authority for a webpage and website as a whole.

So remember that if you want to have high rankings in the search engines you have to remember the importance of backlinks that look natural and have high reputation and authority. The more highly qualified inbound links the better.

In order for this to happen it will take time. Gaining a vast amount of links all at once is not good, so make sure you understand that it will take time to reach the top of the search engine results page especially for highly competitive terms.

2 Responses to “Links Influence Search Engine Rankings”

  1. […] If you want to have high rankings in the search engines you have to remember the importance of backlinks that look natural and have high reputation and authority. View original here: Links Influence Search Engine Rankings | SEO | Utah Web Design […]

  2. Scott Million on 07 May 2009 at 7:11 pm

    I completely agree with you, quality links you got for your site plays a huge part on search engine marketing campaign. Every website needs to have a high page rank in search engine results and to achieve this result; a website not only needs to contain good and creative content, but also needs to build link popularity. In any search engine submission, one of the most important factors is your link popularity, which may be achieved through directory submission.

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