Marketing Fact: Conversion Takes the Cake

Mar 14, 2013

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Scott Christofferson

Conversion Rules

Thought leadership is nice, reputation management is better, but the ultimate goal of providing quality content, searchable sites and digital marketing is to get clicks and conversions. Conversion is a natural result for sites with consistent traffic which is why driving traffic to your site is so important. More traffic means for conversion and more conversion means more sales.

Givers Opens Doors

Don’t give your customers, partners and potential clients what you want them to have – give them what they want (with a little bit of what you want them to have). Think about how you can help them and less about how they can help you. This will give them a reason to come to you for information and you’ll become a resource for them. Think partnership, not sales. Relationships are almost always a good thing. Interacting with individuals and organizations will play to your advantage now and down the road because remember: many times it’s about who you know.

Call to Action

Once visitors make it to your site it’s crucial that they find a message that’s personally relevant with a clear call to action – creating a natural gateway to conversion. Once they get to your site it must be crystal clear that there is a reason for them to be there. Clear messages create a clear call to action.

Measure, Measure, Measure

Only after traffic has been optimized should conversion be analyzed. Although different kinds of conversion means different things for different businesses – one thing that remains the same for all businesses is that conversion matters. Every click, every download and every inquiry will hopefully lead to a sale and an improvement of your bottom line which is why it’s crucial to monitor, measure and track any data point possible.

What are your most valuable conversion points?

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