Marketing With Facebook Apps

Jul 30, 2010

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Facebook Apps – 500 Million People just waiting for you to sell to them!

Creating a Facebook Application for your business is surprisingly easy. You’ll need to sign up (create a personal profile) of course and it is a definite plus to add a business page to your profile (note that you should never have a personal profile in the name of your business as it is in violation of Facebook rules and you may find it deleted without warning!). From there, it’s simple, search for “Application Builder” download it to your profile and you’re ready to spread the word about your product through a fun, interesting and interactive way.

facebook apps

Before you start…

Your app needs to be enticing to new customers. Think about your target market and their interests. If you sell products for young singles, perhaps an application on dating would be fun. If your product is SEO courses, a quiz on “Are you an SEO expert?” might attract prospective customers. Whatever it is, make it fun and engaging so that they tell ALL their friends!

You’ll need a selection of relevant images too – make your application as memorable and visually interesting as you can, after all, there’re a lot of Facebook Apps out there.

Step by Step Instructions

Once you know your topic and have your images selected, open Facebook and:

  1. Install Application builder in your profile
  2. Choose the best kind of application for your business. There are 13 (and counting) different kinds of application flat packed for you to choose from. Consider your most popular items and the best clientele – and try to target the same audience using your “brand image” to guide you.
  3. Let’s say you chose a quiz application. Quiz applications are great because you can subtly build your message into each question. They are also especially engaging because users love talking about themselves or proving how clever they are! First fill in the basic information on the first page. Think of a fun and engaging name and write a little blurb to encourage potential customers to download your application.
  4. Choose three (or more) outcomes for your quiz. Your options here are to make the outcomes fun and silly and leave the “sell” to later (you will get a chance at the end to add a blurb to the end of the quiz and it will also be attached to an information page); this may encourage people to share the application more willingly or use this part to place an ad for your business (after all, it’ll end up on their wall anyway!). In this case, the outcomes could be:
    • You are a web genius! Your website is on the top of every search engine! Wanna come work at (My Business Name)?
    • You know the basics but you’ve still got plenty to learn, consider an advanced course in SEO to build up your skills and to get you earning top dollar!
    • You don’t know what SEO even stands for do you? Never mind, you can have your website at the top of Google just by completing our simple online course.
    • Be cautious using this method as Facebook may choose not to publish your application in its Application Directory. Be sure to add appropriate photos at this stage.
  5. At the next stage, you need to come up with thought provoking or fun questions that really entertain and engage the reader. There is nothing worse than closing an application half way through because it is boring. Ensure your spelling and grammar are perfect and you put the right answer next to the right outcome. You can build little hints about your business, in particular highlighting the importance of your unique selling point into the quiz. But be subtle or they’ll shut you down!
  6. On the last page, follow the instructions carefully to ensure that your new application is registered correctly and free from programming bugs. Remember to leave the Application Name box empty.
  7. The Edit screen asks for your information as a developer. The other tabs offer useful advanced targeting options and can be filled in retrospectively if you choose.
  8. You will now be directed to the “Set Up HQ” of your Application.
    • On the “Publish” (yellow) page you can opt to promote your application.
    • It is a good idea to include pictures that are relevant to your brand at all stages, including this stage.
    • It is important to invite some friends to download the application as you will need a minimum of ten users to submit it for Facebook wide publication in the App Directory.
    • The About Page Edit option will create a page for the application so people can read more about it and you. This page can become part of your business profile and you can add plenty of further information down the line so fill in every box thoroughly.
    • Note that along the top of the box are various tabs – click each to be sure that you have filled in enough information on every page.
    • Be sure to add your company information to show at the end of the quiz.
  9. Don’t forget to promote it on your business page to get the ball rolling!
  10. Once you have ten users, you will need to go back to the “Promote Your Application” page and click the orange link at the bottom to submit it to the Apps Directory. This Facebook wide publishing takes about two weeks. This is where you may run into trouble if your sales pitch was too obvious.
  11. Once it is listed with the Apps Directory, a cleverly targeted, engaging application will gain momentum quickly. If you find your application struggling, you can promote it with PPC Facebook Ads and through your Facebook Network.

A Facebook Application is another great example of how the marketing and advertising industry has changed. It’s an opportunity to engage with individual customers and prospects in their own space, and to have them initiate the interaction – and it’s FREE!

No wonder Facebook is fast becoming the new e-marketplace!

Dana Flannery is a Freelance Marketing Consultant with dozens of Facebook Apps working their questions off for her clients! See some of her work at Rent To Buy.

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