Aug 13, 2013

Do you and your business use Twitter for advertising and supporting your business? Although you may be confused as to what my headline means, you’ll be interested in improving your tweeting skills by reading further.
When writing this article, I thought about putting up a headline that sounded amazing, only to lead you into this article to disappoint. I decided to dispel you of the disappointment you would find, but ask you to remember another instance when you felt the headline of an article was misleading.
Tweet the Truth
Just like you may associate lies and deceit with brand headlines that have mislead you in the past, your Twitter followers will find similar associations through the headlines you tweet. My first tip, tweet the truth. Tweets are great tools to lead followers to other material connected to your marketing strategy, but to lead them there only to find misrepresented material is unattractive to followers. Simple, catchy, and truth telling headlines will gain the right kind of followers all the time.
Tip number two, elaborate. Although your Twitter account limits your characters when sending out tweets, successful content is interactive with your audience. A link to a picture, article, or funny blog will leave better impressions and encourage more activity with your tweets in the future.
Stay Updated
Twitter has many options and tools you should be using to keep up with the trends and on top of the high speed social media train. Tools like hashtags allow you to research what is popular now and allow people to connect to your account through other trending posts. Customizing your tweets is another personalized way you can impress your followers. With other tools outside of Twitter you can stay aware of your target markets interests and availability to keep up and stay in front of your competitor’s attractions as well.
Remember that time when the article you were so excited to read felt nothing like what the headline had portrayed itself to be? Either you remember the brand because you were disappointed, or you erased the association of the article to any impression of what it was about or who it was for. Those emotions, feelings, associations, or whatever you want to call them, are not what you want your followers to experience. So take a few tips, and stay on top of your Twitter marketing to make a memorable experience for your followers.
How do you avoid irrelevant headlines on Twitter?