New Marketing Paradaigm: A Circle

Jun 9, 2013

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Marketing is not a button

You Have Been Warned

Marketing is not a button you push. Its not lead generation and it’s NOT advertising. Marketing is the ART and SCIENCE that your company uses to attract, find and maintain its customers. Its purpose is to generate qualified and eager prospects so that your sales team can close easily and quickly.

This is not done by advertising but rather by your marketing.

The ‘New’ Marketing Paradaigm

Every marketing decision needs to be made with your marketing hat on. If you have no marketing director, hire an outsourced marketing director. Too many marketing decisions get made without regard to the fact that they are MARKETING decisions. Small businesses tend to view some of these decisions as just “decisions that need to be made”. My purpose in this section is to outline the major areas where your marketing hat MUST be on in order to make them and you must be with your marketing director to make them.

  • Everything you SAY should stem from your marketing director – If you are talking to people about your business, that verbiage and messaging should have been developed STRATEGICALLY as part of your marketing plan BEFORE you said it. As part of the holistic model that is proven to produce successful marketing, IDENTITY is one of the key pieces to any marketing campaign whose primary feature is MESSAGING.
  • Everything you LOOK LIKE should stem from your marketing director – No piece of your brand (your office, your pens, your letterhead, your website, business cards etc) should be created without a crystal clear style guide with messaging previously outlined. Everything visual about your brand IS a critical step in your marketing.
  • Everything you EXECUTE should be influenced by your marketing director – No strategic business moves, no messaging decisions, no visual elements to your business, no lead generation or customer acquisition activities should happen without your marketing hat on.

Every Department is a Marketing Department

The most savvy of internet and traditional marketers are quoted as saying “every department is a marketing department” and so it is. Marketing affects sales, finance affects marketing, customer service makes or breaks marketing efforts, accounting keeps track of marketing ROI and so on. Operations effects production and influences customer experience in nearly every business on the planet.

Hire a Marketing Director

Marketing is an ongoing, never-ending, always evolving, ever-present part of any business. The process and equation of marketing is 5-fold and is circular. It is focused on conversion and it is ever present and ever changing. This requires specialized help – not full time help, but nevertheless specialized help.

If you do not have a marketing director, I implore you to hire one NOW.

We ARE Your Marketing Director

As your marketing director and department, it is our job to help you make all strategic decisions in regards to your marketing. All decisions regarding planning, visuals, message, materials, leads and systems for reporting are more of our job as they are your job. That is why we call it… marketing managed™.

Marketing Equation The Marketing Equation

  • Never Spend The Same Dollar twice – This approach if executed in order, will bring method and clarity to your marketing in a way that you have never before seen and as such will prevent and mitigate spending the same dollar twice by re-executing on media pieces or collateral.
  • A Customer-Centric Approach to Marketing – We like to say that we don’t care what we think nor what you think but we care about what the target thinks, because that is who we are trying to sell to.
  • A Comprehensive Yet Cohesive Model – The comprehensive nature of marketing has long plagued its students. In order to approach marketing from a comprehensive viewpoint, the more confusing it got. With the marketing equation as outlined herein, you experience clarity and cohesion from one phase to another.

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