Palm Sunday

Apr 10, 2014

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Scott Christofferson

It’s a Holiday You May Not Know Much About

The beginning of Holy Week each year begins with Christianity’s holy day, Palm Sunday. This day commemorates Jesus’ entrance into the city of Jerusalem and this year’s celebration will be on April 13, 2014.

The story that illustrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is included in several parts of the bible, but most of Palm Sunday’s traditions come from the book of John.

As Jesus entered the city riding a donkey, the people were waving palm branches to cover his path. In celebration of Palm Sunday many Christian churches often still use palm leaves during a congregational procession inside or outside of the church. If palm leaves aren’t available locally they’ll often use a different leaf or branch that’s locally available.

Palm Sunday is also a mark of the final week of Lent and the series of events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday and his Resurrection on Easter.

So next time you see this holiday, Palm Sunday, on your calendar don’t forget what it means for you and many of your clients. What can your business do in terms of promotion to celebrate Palm Sunday and the other surrounding holidays? Whether your customers are religious, traditional or not they’ll definitely appreciate a discount or two.

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