Pinterest: The Guilty Pleasure of Social Media

Mar 11, 2014

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social media marketing
Photo by Flickr User

If we’re being honest with ourselves, all of social media could be considered one giant guilty pleasure. But for me, Pinterest takes the cake. The questions is, why should you care? Well, if your customers and potential customers are anything like me, they are looking to Pinterest for a few specific reasons.

1. Aesthetics:

I turn to Pinterest because many of the images are so aesthetically pleasing. Whether it’s fashion, interior design, or food styling, the aesthetic of a pin totally matters. Pinterest users will frequently overlook ugly pins, even if the product or idea is interesting.

2. Usefulness:

For me, usefulness is secondary to aesthetics, but for other Pinterest users it could be the first reason they turn to Pinterest. Useful pins could be anything from infographics, do-it-yourself projects, and recipes. The most useful pins give a full list of instructions in the image, or at least a link to a full list of instructions.

3. Aesthetics & Usefulness:

Seems like a no-brainer, but it’s harder said than done. If you pin images that are both useful and aesthetically beautiful, you will gain the attention of all different kinds of pinners. This is the best way to expand your audience on Pinterest.

Pinterest is the perfect way to show customers that your business has good taste and that your business understands the customers’ needs. Innovation Simple can help you gain your customers’ trust by having an excellent Pinterest account!

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