Post That You Take Orders 24/7

Oct 8, 2008

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For a lot of people they have been trained that brick and mortar businesses are opened during certain hours. This is not true however for online businesses as they are opened all the time.

Posting a banner that says “We are opened 24 hours a day, 365 days a year”.

You would be surprised at how this would increase sales as it reinforces the brain that you can make an order at anytime. Do not assume that people know that they can make an order at anytime on your website. If you do take orders all the time then tell them that you do.

This will increase conversions as you are telling them when you are open. It is the same as an offline business that says the hours of operation. A good place to put this is at the top where it is easy to see. Do not hide this so people have a hard time finding it.

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