Promoting Your Website

Oct 15, 2014

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When and Where to use Links in Your Website

innovation simple

So, you have created a website and want to start getting traffic. There are many ways to start promoting your website and here at Innovation Simple we know how critical optimal SEO is for a site to survive in today’s competitive market. One of the most crucial tactics in getting your site ranking high and being visited is how you use links. There are books, blogs and classes dedicated to what is called link building. This is the process of getting external pages to link to your website and involves many steps and skills. We are going to focus on just one aspect of link building; linking out.

Linking out is pretty self-explanatory, it is when your site chooses other sites to link to. However, you need to know when, where and what type of sites you should link to for the best results. Here are three simple tips for optimizing your links out from your website.

When and Where to Link

Today, the web makes it hard to get attention. That is why in order for a website to have a chance of getting traffic, it is essential to continually have new content being published on your site. One of the best ways to do this is through a blog. Blogging helps keep your website up-to-date, fresh and interesting. Not to mention by blogging you can attract other reputable websites who see your content useful and will link to your website. Posting blogs is a great place to link out to other notable sites. When going in depth about a topic and perhaps using terminology that is unfamiliar, you can link that terminology to a site that goes more in depth about the meaning. You can also add links to photos, key words, and topics that are intriguing.

Choosing External Links

There are many spam filled websites on the internet today. When choosing sites to link to, be sure to choose sites that are reputable. Also, make sure to land on pages that are directly related to the word, photo or phrase you are linking to. Don’t simply link to a general website where individuals then have to hunt for what they want. Make it convenient and easy for them.

Using Internal Links

It may seem a little silly to link back to your own website, but there are important benefits to linking to other information and pages from your own site. Just like linking to other sites is comparable to “voting” for that site, linking to your own site is essentially like casting a vote for yourself. Of course it is better to have others besides yourself voting for your site, by starting with yourself, you can let search engines know that your content is important. Never underestimate the importance of including internal links throughout your site.

For more help on promoting your website, contact us at Innovation Simple!

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