Reaching Customers Who Don't Go Online

Aug 19, 2013

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Not Everyone is Online

When it comes to maintaining your customer base, all avenues should be covered but it is particularly important to reach out to your customers who do not go online. Why? It’s pretty simple, as of 2011, 1 out of 5 adult Americans has never used the Internet (according to The Pew Internet & American Life Project). This statistic includes senior citizens, people who speak Spanish as their first language and do not make use of many websites and people claimed that they did not know enough about using a computer to get on to the Internet. If this is a large segment of your target market, you may be able to make use of these tips on reaching your offline audience.

Get Referrals

When it comes to dealing with people who do not use the Internet, you have to be more creative in getting information to them. Referrals are amongst the best methods to getting attention from this special group of people because they are more likely to trust someone that they know personally. Nothing is better than a referral from a satisfied customer!

Create a Newsletter

The best way for you to get specific information to these kinds of clients regularly is to have a mailing list and send out a weekly or monthly newsletter through the post. People who are uncomfortable using the internet for their purchases and services may be more inclined to read a printed newsletter than your typical online customers.

Get Networking

What online marketing has as a strong point is the ability to create real bonds with your clientele by speaking with them regularly, learning their habits, determining their needs and responding accordingly. When you must accomplish this without using the Internet, you need to get out there and meet people. You have to build these relationships by attending events that your target market will be attending. You need to keep your businesses name floating around so people remember you and people need to see your face so that they know they can trust you. For many people who choose not to use the Internet, security and comfort are important. Let them see you being you (but professionally).

It is not impossible to market yourself to a group of people outside of the internet with the proper tools and considerations for their needs. You just need to do your research to know your market better and get creative.

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