SEO – Google, Yahoo, MSN Market Share

Nov 8, 2010

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We are often asked about search engine market share and why we focus so much on Google when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. The answer lies in the algorithm itself at Google.

Google gets more traffic and has greater market share than other search engines. The reason behind this is that Google’s algorithm is more comprehensive, more difficult to impress, and generally produces better results than other search results from other engines. This is also the reason that we focus on Google, the algorithm is the toughest to impress. Hence, if you can impress Google, the rest will likely follow. This is not always the case, but it usually is.

Of course, all search engines get used and its safe to say that each could mean a lot to your business. We have clients who get more traffic to their sites through Yahoo than from Google. This is not typical, but it can happen. Be open to the effect that all search engine, such as You Tube, could have a significant impact on your leads and bottom line.

Some of the latest stats on search engine market share show:

Search Engine Market Share
Image courtesy of

If you have question about how to get your website ranked high in Google, please call Innovation Simple sales at 888-55-WEBSITE.

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