SEO ROI Convo: Part 1

Apr 27, 2013

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Is there ROI in SEO?

We are asked all the time, whether SEO produces ROI. This is a common question in many circles that I frequent as well as networking events that I attend with other business owners.

Short Answer: Yes

Long Answer: Depends on Industry

Though the ROI for SEO is a long tail activity for most, for some it can mean the lifeblood of their lead source and we have case studies abounding from the over 400 websites that we manage daily to show the effect that organic SEO can have on businesses (espeically in Utah).

SEO Changes Quarterly

I won’t belabor this idea that SEO is changing rapidly. It goes without saying that this space is the fastest moving industry in the world usually. There are many changes to look for in 2013 despite the fact that 2012 was a HUGE change year for Google and SEO. For a brief but comprehensive look at what is going on with SEO in 2013, please visit our article on the SEO Changes in 2013.

Things to Look At

Think Capture: Instead of advertising your business, products or services, you advertise FOR the person you want to attract, offering only a free information ‘widget’ (report, cd, dvd, checklist, sample, etc.) specifically created to be irresistible only to that person, it is the purest form of lead generation.

Stop ‘Link Building’: Instead of traditional link building, adopt the true and pure version of link building which is earning links from oher sources online through superior results, content, tools and downloadable information. Your intellectual property and market leadership is your link bait to attract links from industry and other sources online.

Blog Blog Blog: Your website and accompanying blog must be the most current and unique content in your space. If you compete in a niche market, make sure your site is a water trough for information as it relates to that niche. If you are in a small geographic market, ensure that each of your competitors are producing LESS quality information and content than you are.

User Engagement Measurements: By adding video or other interactive content, you can engage users longer, increase engagement and decrease bounce rates. Focus on what your users would want to see and digest and provide them that content which will engage them and help facilitate their decision making process in your space.

Specialists Can Help

By working with an interactive agency, you increase your chances of staying up with the trends and changes of online marketing and advertising. Don’t trust your online marketing to an in-house team with hardly the time to keep up. Hire a focused dedicated team of individuals to manage it and stay ahead of the curve.

Case Study: SEO in Utah


Our Utah based small business client tried several website design and Search Engine Optimization solutions, but did not feel they were producing the results necessary. They were also not receiving organic traffic to their website due to not being ranked by search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

The client approached Innovation Simple in Provo, Utah to help them create a website that would stand out from the crowd of competition and generate new business.

“The team at Innovation Simple was able to take my industry and make it their own. They took the time to understand who my customer is and what their needs are. Those efforts resulted in an excellent finished product and overall great experience for me. They are easy to work with and professional.”

The Solution

Because of Innovation Simple’s expertise in SEO friendly website architecture, design and development, this clients needs were smoothly solved by developing a new website from scratch and implementing our cohesive and comprehensive approach to SEO.

The Results

Innovation Simple’s expertise in online marketing has produced nearly a 400% increase in leads in 40 days.

“To be honest, I expected at the peak I would receive one or two leads a week from my website. However, because of the work that is being done ranking my websites on the search engines, and the fact that once they get to my website they are impressed, I am currently swimming in leads. The lead flow has far surpassed my original expectations.”

ROI is Our Mantra

ROI metrics

Pure Dedication

Innovation Simple’s initiative to become the most admired marketing company for small businesses is greatly influenced by its effort to generate ROI through SEO and other forms of internet based lead generation and advertising.

These forms of advertising or lead generation are critical for building brands but are even more critical each day as small businesses rely on fresh new leads to function and grow.

By launching Robust Reports and other other ROI centered tools, Innovation Simple has become the marketing company for today’s business economy.

Are you Tracking:

  • Leads per Week
  • Visitors per Week
  • Bounce Rate
  • Goals/Actions Taken

If not, you really need to get Robust Reports.

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