SEO Strategies

Jul 10, 2008

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is for people with a sincere desire to make money on the internet or get hit from the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Some of the criteria for Search Engine Optimization are:

* Domain Name
* Titles
* Meta Tags
* Code and Structure
* Content
* External Links
* Quality of hits
* Quantity of hits

Domain names are best when they match the query string input in the search engine. Domain names are best when short and representative of the words in your site as well.

Titles are as important as domain name. Domain name will proceed any title or tag in importance. Titles are key in giving correct key words to your pages.

Meta tags are important as they tell the search engines about your site. However, they are not to be overdone. They must be correct. Your lack of knowledge about meta tags can hurt you.

Valid code can help somewhat. You may get tags that certain engines do not like. You also need code that makes your site crawlable. Images and other forms of structural design can greatly influence the effectiveness of your site in the search engines.

Content is a big deal. You need content that is crawlable and that represents everything that we have covered so far (domain, title, and tags). If the content that you have isn’t crawlable, the engines do not know that it is there.

*A tip for content would include getting content that is interesting enough for someone to come to your pages if they are looking for free information. If you can get them to your site because of free information, you are going to get hit more and the content of the site will suggest that you should be indexed well.

External links are the most important thing you can do once you have a good quality website with good code, structure, tags, and titles. External links function as votes to your website from other websites. If websites link to your website, they view you as reputable and so will the search engines.

*A tip for external inks would be to make sure that you are linking to high quality websites and high quality pages on those websites. It would be like if Michael Jordan told you to do something or your 4 year old nephew. One pages and one site will always be more reputable than another.

The quality of hits can be the time that people spend on your website and from where they find you can help or hurt you. Quality hits would be from engines, other people’s websites, etc… If they stay on your site for a long period of time, then you will gain more favor with the engines.

The quantity of hits is important as well. If you get hit a lot, the engines will inevitably index you well. The more you get hit, the more they have reason to trust you are reputable and that your content is helpful to the public.

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