Setting SMART Goals

Apr 9, 2014

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Success in the business world is about setting goals and meeting them. By not setting goals, we half our potential and hurt ourselves financially and professionally. By setting strong goals we encourage strong results. Often times we set goals that do not stretch us. Here are some attributes courtesy of Yale researchers that will help us set strong goals.

Yale made the acronym SMART top help us set goals.

Specific – Specific goals are easy to understand. By keeping your goals specific you’ll know exactly what your desired results are. Specific goals use concrete action verbs and specific actions to attain the “big picture”.

Measurable – All goals need to be quantifiable. We need to be able to put a number or statistic behind your goals so as to measure progress and success. We are looking to quantify qualitative needs.

Achievable – Our goals must be realistic. We need to take into consideration resources and abilities when setting goals. It is important that the scope be set to an attainable level. It is also important to remember other responsibilities that must be maintained simultaneously. Make sure that the elements that comprise your goals are within your sphere of control.

Relevant – Goals must align with the mission and overall theme of your organization. Make sure every goal is for the better of the organization as a whole. Each goal should relate to broader objectives that your organization hopes to reach.

Time Framed – There needs to be a set start and end date for each goal. Time may be included to monitor and adjust your planning to meet specific goals. There can be long-term and short-term planning for each goal.

Remember this simple acronym to set SMART goals. By setting SMART goals you will be able to achieve greater results.

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