Simple Marketing Success Metrics

Apr 29, 2013

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Posted In : Uncategorized

By: Mike Green

Is Your Marketing Campaign Effective?

When starting a marketing campaign, you must always define what the success metric will be. The success metric will be your measuring stick to the effectiveness of your campaign. If done right, you can be sure that your marketing dollars are being spent wisely. Below I’ll share a few success metrics that can be applied to your marketing campaigns.

Website Landing Page

A landing page is a specific page designed to capture traffic on a particular topic or cause. Most of the time, a landing page is part of a greater, more comprehensive, website. The landing page serves to cover a very specific topic or product and is made to speak directly to the visitor. By utilizing Robust Reporting, you can monitor how effective you are in that campaign. Within the landing page, other success metrics can be applied such as call tracking numbers which we’ll discuss next.

Call Tracking Number

Call tracking can be a very effective way for capturing marketing data about a campaign. Pioneered by the phone companies, call tracking can now be set up in a matter of minutes and at a minimal cost. This is how it works. A local or toll free number is set up that basically points to your business number, cell phone, or whatever. That number is then associated with your landing page, billboard, radio ad, etc. By pointing all calls to that number, you can easily segment those calls from that campaign from your general calls to your main number. By having that data, you can judge the effectiveness and reach of a particular marketing campaign.

Strategic Contact

Another strategy that works is setting up a unique email address for a particular campaign. Within just a few minutes you can set up an email through your own system or by using an email service like Gmail. Much like a call tracking number, you’ll know the path a visitor walked down that resulted in the request for info. This can be a great advantage over having a general sales@ type email address.

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