May 20, 2013
You Don’t Have to Do Social Media Alone
Social media is a world of its own which is why you and your company shouldn’t do it alone. Partnering with an agency that specializes in writing and online marketing will help you to make decisions and adjustments along the way that are right for you.
Start out slow on the platforms you know (or think) your customers are using and move them to action. Your social media efforts will often be just a part of your strategy but as online and traditional marketing work in tandem you’ll get the results you’re seeking.
In the process you’ll form your own thoughts on social media but here are a few social media commandments that I hope we can all agree on:
5 Social Media Commandments
1. Thou shalt decide on the audiences you wish to target.
2. Thou shalt set business goals before stepping foot into the world of social media.
3. Thou shalt include those closest to you to begin sharing your brand through social media.
4. Thou shalt always be genuine, honest and giving (not just a taker or shover).
5. Thou shalt not obsess over creating viral content.
Everything you do needs to have a purpose. Think about what you want your purpose and goal to be and then execute. You can do this.
What social media commandments do you follow? Have any to add to the list?