The Importance of White Space in Web Design

Aug 27, 2014

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Website Whitespace

Without it, you won’t stand out.

If there was ever any question about the importance of businesses having a presence on the internet, that discussion should be dead. But these days just having a website is not enough. Your website has be designed in a way that appeals to users and thus increases traffic to your site. Today we are going to talk about the importance of white space in web design. Because above color schemes, shapes and styles, white space is the most important thing.

Engages Users

White space engages and guides users on a web page. First impressions are everything. Users look and judge your company immediately based the look and feel of your website. White space on a webpage helps you show users what really matters by sorting and highlighting the features which are most important. White space adds padding which draws attention to what’s important.

Highlights What’s Important

Every website is trying to elicit some form of action from a user. This is called a “call to action” or CTA. When web pages are scattered and disorganized users have a hard time finding your CTA. By using white space, you can simplify your web page and make it much easier for your users to find your CTA right away and begin taking action!

Clarity and Comprehension

White space makes everything easier to read. Studies show that users read only about 28% of words on a web page. Inserting white space between lines of texts makes the web page easier to read and more user friendly thus increasing the chance that people will read the text on your website. White space can increase compression by around 20% when used correctly.

Adds Credibility

A clean site is given more credibility. White space will make your website look more elegant and professional. Websites that look professional are given more credibility. Credibility is what will cause your user to act upon your call to action. If they don’t trust your website they can easily go find another one to use. White space enables you to give your website instant credibility.

Maybe your website needs an update that includes more white space. If so don’t waste time making this critical update. Innovation Simple is here to help you design a website that is visually pleasing as well as effective in relaying your marketing message!

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