The Lending Planner Launches Website

Sep 10, 2010

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Loan modification is quickly becoming a big industry as there are millions of people who have struggled to keep their home. There is a company called The Lending Planner that teaches people what loan modification is and also provides an extensive training course. Innovation Simple rebuilt their website with a new look and login system.

The Lending Planner contacted Innovation Simple and said they have a great product, however their website did not reflect to their customers that they are huge asset when it comes to learning loan modification. The new website has a nice clean look with content on the home page about the loan modification training program and a login button in the top right.

Here is a look at their new website:

the lending planner new website design

If you want to learn more about loan modification and how to keep your home contact The Lending Planner today at 888-284-1097. As they say “Don’t Lose Your Home, Modify Your Loan”.

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