Top 5 Online Marketing Tactics for 2013

Jul 17, 2013

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1) Email Marketing

The number one reason for why this tactic works is because of the fact that it still generates sales, influences customers and boosts brand recognition. For this marketing tactic, companies should provide customers with information that is resourceful and relevant. Contests, coupons, and other special offers can also create good support with your contacts. Don’t forget that this brings an average of 50/1 ROI.

2) Search Engine Optimization

The way SEO helps with your marketing is by moving your company to the top of the search results that customers are searching for online. Having your company rank high in organic search results makes you a reputable company in your specific industry. As a Utah SEO company, we’ve been first-hand witnesses to the power of high organic search rankings and how critical it is to understand how search engines work from month to month. Understanding that allows you to cater to what search engines are looking for in a Web page, therefore helping you provide them with valuable content.

3) Pay Per Click Advertising

One of the quickest ways to have your products and services be found instantly is Pay-Per-Click Advertising, appearing on popular search engines like Google or Bing. Paying when someone clicks on your ad, this tactic drives customers to your site and increases sales. It is one of the most recommended ways to market for any company.

4) Online Display Advertising & Remarketing

For one of the quickest and easy ways to reach potential customers and drive sales are display ads and remarketing. Display ads are designed to show up on relevant blogs, forums and websites and feature your graphics and promotions for targeted viewers to see. Remarketing uses a code to track those who have visited your website and consequently show your banner or display ad on other sites they visit.

5) Social Media Marketing

A must-have for any company’s marketing plan, social media marketing is great for any online advertising campaign. This tactic is an important way on popular social networks to reach consumers, build a fan base and engage with current customers.

What other online marketing tactics has been useful for your company’s business?

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