Types of Testimonials

Jul 29, 2008

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In marketing, testimonials are used a lot to help build credibility that there are other satisfied customers. It is human nature to want to see and care about what others are doing and saying. Have you ever driven by a really bad accident and seen mass amounts of people watching the scene or slowing down and not paying attention that they almost cause another accident. Humans are curious by nature.

However when it comes to testimonials there are some that you don’t want to show off because they are not going to help you.

All great testimonials should include the benefits that they have received by using your product or service.

Good Testimonials

“I love your lotion, it has made my skin soft and smooth. My wife loves my skin now. Thanks” Chad , California

“This is Awesome, I have increased my sales by 25%” Steve , Florida

“I have a full head of nice thick hair. Girls are starting to notice me again, SWEET” Jeremy , NY

Bad Testimonials

“I really enjoyed your book” Sally , Idaho

“All of your products are nice” Travis , PA

People DON’T BUY a book because it is informative, or because you have nice products.

People BUY because they see other people benefiting and they want to benefit also.

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