Unique Summer Activities

Jul 5, 2014

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Have a Summer Worth Remembering

We love marketing and website design in Utah, but we love summer even more. The first few weeks of summer are always the best weeks. You just got out of school or maybe your kids just got out of school and the warm weather is welcoming to outdoor adventures. But as the weeks pass many summer-goers can hit what we call the summer slump. You know, those weeks in the middle of summer where you just can’t seem to find anything entertaining to do with your life? If your creativity has come to an end we are here to help. Here are some unique summer activities to take up some of your time this summer.

Make Homemade Ice Cream

Don’t settle for that packaged store brand ice cream. Get off the couch and make your own flavor of ice cream! And then when you’re done you can get back on the couch to enjoy your homemade treat. Here are some directions for making your own ice cream!

Create A Blog

We have discussed many times on our own blog the importance of businesses having their own blog. But it’s also fun to have your own personal blog. This is a great way to record all of your summer adventures to share with your friends and family. You can make a free account for your own blog at wix.com and wordpress.com.


This is a great and selfless way to spend your extra time during the summer months. There are plenty of opportunities to serve those around you, all you have to do is open your eyes. Maybe the neighbor needs help taking in his groceries or the old man at the store dropped his cane. Volunteering can also work to your advantage when applying for college or a job. Get out there and get involved with your community!

Learn a New Language

You can always go with the classic Rosetta Stone program to learn your favorite foreign language. But why not spice it up a little, after all it is summer right? Write to a foreign pen pal this summer! It’s a win-win situation. You will have something to look forward to each week while still learning a new language.

Nature Walk Bingo

Think of different items that you might be able to find outside like animal tracks, thorns, a specific flower, or plant. Once you have come up with your items make a bingo card with each of them. And each time you find an item on the card mark it off. All the normal rules of bingo apply, except it’s a little more thrilling.

Hopefully these tips can help you make your summer one worth having! If you decide to get a little professional and need any marketing help with your company give us a call!

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