Use The Unsubscribe Link Effectively

Jul 28, 2008

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When you are sending e-mails to individuals that have signed-up from some form that you have setup make sure you have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mail. This will ensure that you are being compliant with all of the Can Spam Act of 2003.

Although you do want to have an unsubscribe link in the email, you should have it at the bottom of the email. Add extra spaces between your last sentence and your Click Here to unsubscribe link. You might also want to fade the text as well and also make the print a smaller font.

You can also make your own custom page that will have text that you want it to say. So when someone does click on the unsubcribe link you can use this custom page to ask them why they are leaving, offer a promotion, or something similar but you do not want to be pushy. Always have your logo on this page as well to once again help brand your company’s identity.

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