Using 'Trigger' Tools in Social Media

May 6, 2014

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What is a ‘trigger’ tool?

Whether or not you work in marketing you know that social media has completely changed the industry. With dozens of mainstream options and counting, marketers need to make their social media outlets interact and reinforce each other in order to successfully reach target audiences. To streamline social media, marketers can now use “trigger” sites like to connect different individual platforms with each other. IFTTT stands for “if this, then that.” Basically, IFTTT creates cause and effect scenarios with social media.

How to Use Triggers

For example, I can connect my company Instagram account to the company Twitter account. Using ‘triggers’, I can set the Twitter account to automatically tweet every time a new photo is uploaded to Instagram. This saves me time and lets the Twitter account reinforce what is being posted on Instagram. Each cause and effect scenario like this is called a ‘recipe.’

Below is an example of a ‘recipe’ on IFTTT. The user Gwen has connected her Twitter account with her Gmail account. Every time she gets a new direct message on Twitter she automatically receives an email to her Gmail account with the message. Cool, huh?

The Future of Social Media Marketing

Trigger sites like IFTTT can revolutionize the use of social for marketing, along with innumerable other uses. IFTTT is compatible with almost every social media platform available. Imagine the tremendous potential there is in connecting and interconnecting your existing social media accounts. Savvy millennial buyers expect more than a social media presence: they expect a social media experience. Become a next generation marketer by harnessing trigger tools like IFTTT and revolutionizing the way you interact with social media.

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